Aurora (NR) Yoasobi (JP) Novel Fergus (HK) 中島美嘉 Mika Nakashima (JP) AVANTGARDEY (JP) Yoasobi (JP) My Little Airport (HK) Viviz (KR) 羅志祥 Show Lo (TW) 房東的貓 The Landlord's cat (CN) Whee In 輝人 (KR) Travis Japan (JP) 羊文学 Hitsujibungaku (JP) 安溥 Anpu (TW) World's End Girlfriend (JP) 萬能青年旅店 Omnipotent Youth Society (CN) Reona (JP) Reona (JP) 163 braces (TW) Yoasobi (JP) Gordon Flanders (HK) Higuchi Ai (JP) EVNNE (KR) Julia Wu (TW) Say Sue Me (KR) 鶴 The Crane (TW) 理想混蛋 Bestards (TW) God is an Astronaut (IE) Coldrain (JP) Mango Jump (TW) 聲子蟲Bugs of Phonon (TW) Vast & Hazy (TW) Sweet John 甜約翰 (TW) Cosmos People 宇宙人 (TW) Schoolgirl Byebye (CN) The Chairs (TW)